Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I like working with this heavy ribbon I've found. I think it might be called a grosgrain. There's a nice sturdy sculptural feel to it when you pleat it and bend it.
Materials: found metal, heavy black ribbon, acrylic cord.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

This week seems to be my week for finding those odd, unidentifiable, motherless, stray metal parts on the streets. Who knows where they come from or what their former professions were, they all have a new home now.
mystery metal part, heavy black ribbon, acrylic cord.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Another found metal piece, another I don't know what. Makes a nice link anyway. I like how these things keep showing up when I need them.
Materials: found metal loop, ribbon, acrylic cord, bone pendant.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Found more butterfly wings this morning on my walk, only this time they were left in shreds too small to pick up. I just had to admire them right where they were, as is. I think somebody wanted just the chewy center. I also found this lovely rusty little thing. I like how the thread lays in the thread if you know what I mean.
Materials: found bolt, linen cord, rayon ribbon.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Late in the day but I still made it.....I don't know what this little wire was in it's former life but I do think it makes an elegant pendant today.
Materials: found wire, glass drop, acrylic cord, silk tread.

Friday, June 25, 2010

More balloon ribbon and a candy wrapper. My grandmother used to give out these. I like how the design of the wrapper mimics the shape of a strawberry when it's doing its job.
Materials: found ribbon and wrapper, glass beads.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Digging around through the old things. Somehow I am in possession of an entire roll of raffle tickets. Might be time for a raffle!
Materials: raffle tickets, rayon ribbon.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I've been having dreams about old friends. This little lady was a gift from a dear friend many years ago now so this is a sentimental treasure.
Materials: doll, chandelier part, silk fabric.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I just had to preserve this bum shaped cherry for the ages. I'm hoping it dosen't lose its cheekiness as it dries out.
Materials: cherry, acrylic cord.

Monday, June 21, 2010

I had a dream about making ballerina costumes out of newspapers. The tutus were lots and lots of ripped up papers. I made this facsimile out of yesterdays sports section. It reminds me of those old fashioned corsages.
Materials: newspaper, packing braces, tape, copper wire.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Yesterday was my day to find feathers and wings. All the things you need to take flight!
Materials: found butterfly wings, found feather, suede, acrylic cord.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

It's a nice cloudy day so I got to shoot this one in the garden. Found this in the woods. Don't know why anyone would want to smoke a strawberry flavored cigar, but I guess they must exist for a reason. Anyway, the color is very pretty.
Materials:found cigar tube, rayon chenille yarn and ribbon.

Friday, June 18, 2010

This might be the last stray stick laying around on my work table. The beads are some rosary project from many years ago. Happy together.
Materials: glass beads, found stick, soutache cord, rayon ribbon.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Working with sticks and string reminds me of the fine art of fort making from my misspent youth. Although this looks a little more like some kind of raft to me.
Materials: sticks, string, rayon ribbon

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

More design by Nature. I think my sister told me these are Spiny Chestnut Somethings. I didn't realize how much they look like tarantula legs until I tied them together just so. I love the fuzzy bear quality of these.
Materials: Spiny Chestnut Somethings, rayon ribbon.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Here are a couple of pieces that I turned on the lathe. I didn't have to drill the holes in their centers because some bug did it for me already.
Materials: turned wood, glass bead, linen cord, recycled kimono, rayon ribbon.

Monday, June 14, 2010

It's too darn hot. And sticky. And it's only June. Mercy. Still I have a necklace to make. I've been enjoying working with wood, it's such a wonderful material, it comes alive with care and attention. Nature is the best designer.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Someone stuck a pin in the balloon....I think this is a song lyric, I want to say it's from "Spring is Here". A pretty but sad song. Ella Fitzgerald did a plaintive, touching version that will tug at your heart. Although this does literally illustrate being deflated, the color is actually pretty cheerful...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Another calculator part. I used the keys for another necklace a while back. I love the colors of this little thing, the little gold blocks are like letters for another language.
Materials: calculator part, recycled kimono, silk thread.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Another loose ends special to match my mood today. I love the simplicity and the beauty of these tiny objects.
Materials: found metal bits, glass bead, acrylic cord, soutache.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Been doing a lot of sawing lately, the leftovers remind me of tasteful modern danish kid's toys. The purple netting held a bunch of lemons until yesterday.
Materials: wood scraps, produce bag, shantung silk, acrylic cord.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Nothing says party more than mardi gras beads....I used to have a whole box of them but threw them out in a bout of organization. I wish I still had them now, but them's the breaks.
Materials: mardi gras beads, acrylic cord, felted wool balls, found mystery disc.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

This is not a political statement. Please. I just happen to be a tea drinker and these things seem to accumulate at an alarming rate. Anyway, I love the color that tea makes, I'm a big sepia fan.....
Materials: used tea bags, linen cord, rayon ribbon.

Monday, June 7, 2010

This is a little flag I found on the street. Honest. I did not pluck it out of the ground. I just find these things is all.
Materials: found flag, recycled sari, acrylic cord.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

One of those pencils that won't work no matter how much you sharpen it. Kind of hitting home for me metaphorically these days. Might as well make something out of it.
Materials: non functional pencil, scrap threads, rayon ribbon.