Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I still had some of that pretty paper, so I used it with these old beads....
Materials: wrapping paper, vintage glass beads, acrylic cord.

Monday, August 30, 2010

I had a strong daydream about this, and so here it is. The neck cord I found on the street with the tassel from yesterday on it. I think it must have been for holding curtains back or something. Very fancy.
Materials: found fancy rope, acrylic cord, wrapping paper.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A couple of finds from the street. I like the colors of kids' things, they always seem to be much more cheerful looking than grownup stuff.
Materials: found plastic block, tassel, rayon rope, brass wire.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

More feather and wings and things to fly with. Plus some stars for good measure.
Materials: found feathers, butterfly wing fragment, mother of pearl star beads, brass wire.

Friday, August 27, 2010

The pendant here is an old experiment in metal. Finally did something with it here.
Materials: copper, silver, bloodstone chunk, recycled sari, acrylic cord.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sticks. Just the way things turned out this morning.
Materials: sticks, acrylic cord, brass finding.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The wooden piece is purple heart, I cut this out and strung it up ages ago and it's been hanging around the work table waiting to be used for a mighty long time. Finally hitched it up with some vintage metallic thread I've rediscovered in my supplies.
Materials: cut and polished purple heart wood, silk and metallic threads, acrylic cord.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I've gotten in the habit of picking bits and pieces up and throwing them in my backpack. Here's a few metal things that have accumulated in the front pocket. Also, it's a full moon tonight. The Sturgeon Moon. So I put the little crescent bead on as a tribute....
Materials: found metal parts, recycled sari, acrylic cord, silk thread.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Part salvaged from the door of an old iron stove thrown out on the street. I think this was the little door pulley(?)...Anyway, I love the color of a deep crusty rust.
Materials: recovered stove part, shantung silk scrap, rayon rope.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Another simple leaf. This time it's kudzu, which I'm very fond of. I know it's considered a pest and extremely invasive, but it's so pretty. It is in flower right now, the blooms have this artificial grape Kool-aid type of smell that intensifies with the heat. Supposed to make a nice tea when you steep them.
Materials: kudzu, rayon rope.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A leaf from the emperor plant. They can grow about twelve feet up I'd say, and the leaves can get up to 2 feet across. Another Dr. Seuss special down here. I found a baby plant and pinched a small leaf off. It's wilted over night into this silky crepe texture, like a toad's throat or old lady skin.
Materials: emperor plant leaf, antique metallic thread.

Friday, August 20, 2010

I've been finding lots of feathers lately. I'm not sure whether it means it's molting season, or maybe that I should take up flying myself....
Materials: found feathers, acrylic cord, silk thread, fresh water pearl.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I was going to get very involved with this, drilling and sewing it together, but for the sake of sanity I decided to make short work of it. I kind of like the color of masking tape anyway, I never thought of it before, but it's actually quite a nice neutral.
Materials: sycamore bark, burl wood veneer, masking tape, rayon rope.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

There's a bumper crop of mockingbirds this summer, they've almost taken over the neighborhood. I love to watch them, there's a lot of personality in that little bird. I've seen mockingbirds successfully take on crows two to three times their size in the air to defend the nest. Incredibly agile fliers when the mood hits, and they don't take any mess, let me tell you. Anyway, this is a tail feather from the mockingbird. A very chic uniform, mostly grey with black and white accents.
Materials: found feather, found plastic, freshwater pearl, acrylic cord, brass wire.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

just a little bit of lichen today. It looks like it almost has a glow after the rain, the wood and the dirt gets sodden and dark with the damp and that's when the lichen seems to really shine.
Materials: lichen, freshwater pearl, brass wire.

Monday, August 16, 2010

I don't know why I took it upon myself to rearrange an already perfectly lovely holly branch, but that's what happened this morning. Ah well.
Materials: holly branch, embroidery floss, rayon ribbon.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

A little apple that didn't quite grow into being a big apple. I like the color it dried into.
Materials: dried baby apple, silk threads, linen cord.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Peach pit. The peaches are wonderful this season, can't get enough of them. I like the color and texture of the pits as well...
Materials: peach pit, cotton yarn, shredded ribbon.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Some beautiful wisteria pods. Very velvety and soft with a gorgeous color. It's a lovely plant but it can take over your whole garden if you're not careful down here.
Materials:wisteria, rayon ribbon.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Tulip Poplar buds. When they flower they're a creamy neon green with a creamy neon orange center, then they dry into a hard wooden flower too delicate for any human to carve. Beautiful things.....
Materials:Tulip Poplar buds, shantung silk scrap, acrylic cord.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

This is what I thought was a snake skin that had been shed. On closer inspection, it looks like the poor fella may not have quite been finished using his little jacket. Oh well. I still think he's very pretty though...
Materials: snake, brass wire, linen cord, smoky quartz bead.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I found this half shell with its mate no where in sight. I'm hoping this means the little bird that came out of it is okay, although you never know with Mother Nature, she can be a real hard ass at times....
Materials: found half shell, freshwater pearl, brass wire, silk and linen cord.

Monday, August 9, 2010

I found this little lady at the garage flea market on 26th street in New York. There used to be a lot of flea markets around that area, but they sold some of the lots and built luxury condos on them. Just what the city needs.....don't get me started. Anyway I think the hen was a Russian Christmas ornament. It looks to be made out of pressed cardboard. The red cord is from a weed wacker, I find a lot of stray bits of this red or orange string plastic by the side of the road, that's what they're from I've been told.
Materials: russian xmas ornament, weed wacker plastic, acrylic cord.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The things I keep around. Keys to old apartments in New York, including what used to be my own. Why keep a key that doesn't open any doors? Mercy. This is why I have clutter.
Materials: keys, copper wire, rayon ribbon.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Someone gave a nice homily(?) or parable(?) about an acorn recently. I'm not sure what the right word is. Basically it was all about being in the moment which is always a good thing to remember.
Materials: acorns, rayon ribbon.