Saturday, August 21, 2010

A leaf from the emperor plant. They can grow about twelve feet up I'd say, and the leaves can get up to 2 feet across. Another Dr. Seuss special down here. I found a baby plant and pinched a small leaf off. It's wilted over night into this silky crepe texture, like a toad's throat or old lady skin.
Materials: emperor plant leaf, antique metallic thread.


  1. We were looking at these plants yesterday! I love how you make the shape and texture of the leaf work in this piece so that it comes to that blunted fleche point in the center.

  2. Thanks, I kept thinking the shape of the leaves would make a nice collar whenever I saw them.

  3. actually, my fondest memory as a child of my bathtub gin flapper grandmother was her papery and sensual throat..........BUT I love how your image is a very throbbing and sensual piece of jewelry. The shape is great and fits around the human neck and i especially like the veins. The shape to the human form is spectacular and reminds me of Adam and Eve running out of "paradise"

  4. You should see it now, it's dried and shrunk into this dark papery thing.....
