Monday, May 31, 2010

Found metal thing, whatever it was from it must have gotten wacked pretty hard because that's some thick metal that just snapped off of something! I like the symmetrical-ness of it, and the color. Reminds me of Fritz Lang's Metropolis.
Materials: found metal object., silk blend cord, rayon ribbon.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

A couple more scrap rescues from that less than successful veneer experiment. I just liked the way these two pieces fit together, one being the positive, the other the negative. I guess there's not that much distance between opposites after all.
Materials: wood veneer scraps, copper wire.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

This one made me think a little bit about the concept of something being disposable. What does that really mean? When you dispose it, does it really go away? How did we get into this culture where things aren't designed to last or to function well, but to be tossed away? I've been disposable myself a time or two in my life and I can tell you it's not a good place to be.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Scraps from another experiment in wood that wasn't so successful. Took me three days to figure out my veneering technique doesn't work too well if you want to saw up the pieces in the end. Oh dear. If you want to make an omelette, you've got to crack some eggs to do it though. Onward.
Materials: wood veneer scraps, copper wire, rayon ribbon.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

More about fragility. This is a found sunglass lens. Surprised at how thin it is. Reminds me of an insect wing. And you know what fragile feels like if you've ever lost or broke your glasses when you really need them.
Materials: sunglass lens, copper wire, linen cord.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Feeling a bit fragile lately, maybe that's coming out in what I'm making these days. I found this little angel walking Elvis behind the movie theater. Yep, my handsome hound gentleman friend is still in the shelter. I hope this brings him some luck...
Materials: found angel, recycled silk tassel, glass drop, recycled string scraps.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A mix of natural and the man made. Although the condition of that geode slice doesn't happen organically.
Materials:found mystery metal and rubber knob, found ear plug cord(?),metal coated plastic bead, geode slice, linen cord.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Just a few pieces and parts. I always wonder if they're missed by their former owners. I also like the simple beauty of these little objects....
Materials: found metal parts, acrylic cord.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A balancing act. It's all about balance.
Materials:some kind of rubber belt or wheel tread or something, 2 mystery pods, copper wire, rayon ribbon.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sometimes you just need to make yourself a red and pink sparkly valentine. If you happen to need one too, I'll be happy to share this one with you.
Materials:post it, dried rose, found tinsel wire, rayon chenille yarn.

Friday, May 21, 2010

WHOSE HOUSE?.........................................................RUN'S HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you are of a certain vintage you might remember RunDMC and their distinctive style. I don't know if any of them wore an actual hubcap, but I can't help but think of them whenever I see a stray one on the street.
Materials: found hubcap, found chain, rayon ribbon.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I found a used firework cartridge in the street. I like the graphics on it. I mean what symbolizes fireworks better than hornets with saw stingers and purple kapow! symbols on their backs? Just think that one over.
Materials: used firework cartridge, copper wire, silk blend yarn.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The wooden piece in the center is something I painstakingly carved and sanded from a solid block of cherry. Took a long long time and I wasn't even pleased with the results. Finally used it and I feel better.
Materials:carved cherry, rayon chenille yarn, copper wire, recycled sari.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It's still spring! Here a spring makes an elegant centerpiece to this necklace.
Materials:found rusty spring, copper wire, carved bone bead, handmade cotton rope.

Monday, May 17, 2010

This looks like it might have been someone's day. Hope everything got done....
Materials: found list , found fake flower, rayon chenille yarn.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Found this little strawberry with a stamp on it in the street, though I imagine it must have been completely buried in the earth at one point. Quite a dirty discovery indeed. The stamp was a nice surprise.
Materials: found plastic strawberry stamp, handmade rope, rayon chenille yarn.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

A resolution to a mixed media rope I made a few years ago. Closure can be one of the hardest and easiest things in making jewelry. I guess it all depends on what you want and how easily you're pleased. I turned the toggle out of mesquite that was meant for the grill.
Materials: sari silk, linen cord, coral beads, hand turned wood.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Today I made a necklace drawing. I say it counts! I've been making jewels for a sale tomorrow, so I felt like working in another dimension for a minute there...This is an old Spanish toast for everything you need. Hope it brings you luck.
Materials: paper, marker, colored pencil.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

This little lady was a fork in a former life. From the looks of her, I think she's been around the block a time or two. Still a charmer though.
Materials: found plastic, handmade rope.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

No idea at all what this plastic thing is. Pretty color though. I used the Monkey's Paw sailors knot for a closure.
Materials: found plastic, handmade rope.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

This took a long long time to crochet, but I had a very detailed dream about how to make this. So today, I'm taking my marching orders from my subconscious......
Materials: found headlight shard, silk blend cord, mother of pearl button.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Another ruby treasure found on the street, I used the same cord as the last one because I really like those colors together...
Materials: found taillight, copper wire, rayon chenille yarn, sliced agate.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers out there! Especially those of you with children!
Materials: peony, knockout rose, cat mint flowers, rayon ribbon, found hanger.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Driving seems to be a full contact sport in Asheville. I'm always find bits and pieces of vehicle here and there. The rubber tube, I'm not sure what that was originally for, but it makes a lovely neck ring today.
Materials: found rubber tube, found plastic tail light, rayon chenille yarn.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Another flinty mica filled rock. I seem to be in a grey area these past few days. That's okay. More to life than just black and white.
Materials:found rock, silk blend yarn, rayon ribbon, acrylic cord.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Found a nice mica filled rock sparkling in the street lamps last night. Crocheted a necklace/cozy to set it off. I've heard there are mica mines somewhere in this state. Sounds like a fun place to visit.
Materials:silk blend yarn, rayon ribbon, found rock.