Tuesday, June 8, 2010

This is not a political statement. Please. I just happen to be a tea drinker and these things seem to accumulate at an alarming rate. Anyway, I love the color that tea makes, I'm a big sepia fan.....
Materials: used tea bags, linen cord, rayon ribbon.


  1. I absolutely love this and it looks like the organic plant called "silver dollar leaves" very purdy.......beautiful "tea stained" colour. I'm sure all of the different types of tea bags would make different colors.

  2. I know that plant! There's a bunch that grows like crazy on the other side of the hill I live on, I love the papery metallic quality of the seed pods...

  3. This is lovely--if you hadn't told me the circles were tea bags, I would have thought the silver dollar leaves or some other shiny organic material. You have so much creativity in your use of materials--who knew tea bags could be so lovely?
