Saturday, July 3, 2010

Morning dove feathers. Or is it Mourning dove? They certainly have a lovely, sad song. One of my favorite bird calls. I can only hope these are a result of some sudden molting, but I'm afraid I do see some faint teeth marks in one of them.....
Materials: feathers, freshwater pearl, acrylic and silk cords.


  1. nice to have something together from the sky and the sea

  2. Thanks...I hadn't thought of it that way.

  3. Great subtle, soft coloration and fine lines to match the delicacy of the feathers. I do believe the spelling is mourning doves, which makes this even more poignant to me. I've always thought of mourning doves as being present to comfort the grief-stricken with their beautiful song and soft cooing.

  4. "Mourning" Dove does suit the call beautifully.
