Sunday, August 22, 2010

Another simple leaf. This time it's kudzu, which I'm very fond of. I know it's considered a pest and extremely invasive, but it's so pretty. It is in flower right now, the blooms have this artificial grape Kool-aid type of smell that intensifies with the heat. Supposed to make a nice tea when you steep them.
Materials: kudzu, rayon rope.


  1. It is a pretty plant, though very spooky to me, with how it buries things, whole cars sometimes, under its clingy green-ness. I didn't realize that sweetness in the air was kudzu blooms--great description.

  2. I know it's a big creeper and a nuisance, but I just love the deep green of it, how it creates these little oceans of green...

  3. is this something in
    "real life"??? It's almost so sultry that imitation of life can NOT captivate it. (on the techinicolor screen) Maybe it ended up in fictionalized play, or something written for ye olde page>?????

  4. Kudzu is real life down here, although it does seem like something from fiction a la Bradbury.
