Saturday, August 14, 2010

Peach pit. The peaches are wonderful this season, can't get enough of them. I like the color and texture of the pits as well...
Materials: peach pit, cotton yarn, shredded ribbon.


  1. looks so groovy with the purple and black. I bet the peaches are good where you are!

  2. Gosh, you have no idea...I'm going through a plum and blueberry mania as well this season.

  3. A gothic peach pit with dramatic flair--it makes me think of James and the Giant Peach, probably because Roald Dahl's writing always has a gothic edge to it.

  4. I am just wondering how did you make the wholes and what did you use to make them so you could thread the purple floss through it it make a necklace. thanks.

  5. Hi Jennifer, I used a dremel or some people call it a flex shaft to make the holes. It's like a mini drill that's hand held. just got a hold of the pit and went right through. Thanks for looking!
