Sunday, March 21, 2010

Long restless dream filled night for me. The kind were you're exhausted at he end and just glad to get up and away from it all. I found this layout of watches in a magazine first thing this morning, somehow they seemed comforting to me after a long psychic workout.
Materials: magazine page, rayon ribbon.


  1. very "hitchockian" and the zig zag edges give the word "INSOMNIA" an especially buzzed physical meaning...........sorry...must have been a rough night

  2. I WAS thinking about that Hitchcock movie with the DalĂ­ freudian dream sequence stuck in it..was that "Marnie"?

  3. it's the one with Montgomery Clift "SPELLBOUND" which could be a great name for the necklace.

  4. "SPELLBOUND"! That was driving me crazy for a minute there. Thanks for saving me from a bit of research...

  5. I love these different watches all bound together with that elegant bit of golden ribbon. It makes me think of the clock store I told you about, all the different times in one place, a little piece of the space-time continuam made into jewelry . . . it has magic to it. Spellbound is a perfect name.

  6. Funny thing is, I noticed all the watches in this layout were set at ten after ten, then I saw another watch ad and it was also set at 10:10. So I'm wondering if there's an industry standard for photographing watches.....
