Saturday, March 13, 2010

More things found lying around on the street. I worried about making a clasp for this thing, it's very strong cable, I was trying to figure a way to pierce it or cap it or what. Then I thought: Who says I need to make a clasp? I can do a claspless necklace if I want. So I did.
Materials: found cable, found iron scrap, chinese mulberry vine, banana silk yarn.


  1. something out of a haiku poem. Looks like an aisian ghost

  2. actually, some of my fun while commenting on these creations is the bizarre word that appears after my comment with the strange wheelchair icon to the right....guess it's called "WORD VERIFICATION". but, if only you could see what pops up by chance....fabulous strange words and names. Perhaps the necklaces could have those names too. The one that appeared after my last comment was "hopea"

  3. this was called "terav"

  4. can't stop.....the last one was yedic. (sounds like an old grandmother from the ukraine) I could do this all day!

  5. good gosh, the last one was diviref. But, I think hopea is a better name for this ghostly necklace

  6. I had no idea about all the excitement to be had with the word verification, I wonder if someone makes them up or if they're randomly generated. Anyway, you're right, any necklace without a clasp is fit for a ghost......
