Wednesday, March 31, 2010

In order to keep up with this project, I've gotten into the habit of putting the necklace together first thing when I wake up, around 6:00am. Sometimes I can see I've made some pretty sleepy, unmindful things when I finally join the land of the fully awake. That's okay. Today I found a practice knot I did a while back, it's called the Monkey's Fist if you're into the old sailor culture. The wood is me learning on the lathe with some sycamore I believe.....
Materials: handmade linen/rayon rope, hand turned sycamore, copper ring, rayon ribbon.


  1. such a cute little boy and I love the extra bow on the side. definitely would bob in the H2O. Ahoy Matey!

  2. Does look seaworthy now that you mention it...
